What are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of? If there is nothing to hide.

What are you afraid of? If there is no black crow seated on your glass shoulders.

What are you afraid of? If you had not painted your palms red.

What are you afraid of? When no one hides under your bed.

What are you afraid of? When you watch your already censored tongue.

What are you afraid of? Doing math in your head, because words cannot translate.

What are you afraid of? When you clench your fists, and press against those eye lids.

What are you afraid of? That you have forgotten to laugh and sometimes speak.

What are you afraid of? When your clean front watches your back?

What are you afraid of? Believing a lie that still has its cold blue track?

What are you afraid of? Holding on to your gold trophy.

What are you afraid of? Hey, do you still remember the taste of honey?